Kuala Kedah, Malaya

Changi, Kuala KedahKuala Kedah, Malaya

Of interest to those who live in Adelaide,  Kuala Kedah is the town in Malaya where William Light was born.  Colonel William Light (27 April 1786 – 6 October 1839) was a British military officer and the first Surveyor General of the Colony of South Australia. He was famous for choosing the site of the colony’s capital, Adelaide, and for designing the layout of its streets and parks – in the Adelaide City Centre and the Adelaide Park Lands. He died in Adelaide on 6th October 1839 of TB aged 53.

Unknown to Des at the time he painted this scene, was this connection to Des’ new hometown of Adelaide from 1958 – after his art training, marriage and family – immigrating from the UK to Adelaide in 1958. Des played a major role in developing curriculum for staff & students at the South Australian School of Art which was then located in the Adelaide CBD that Col Light had surveyed 121 year earlier in 1837. An additional interesting fact about Col William Light was the an accomplished artist, some his works include: Sicilian Scenery (London, 1823), Views of Pompeii (London, 1828); self portrait (London, 1815 –  this work is on permanent loan to SA Art Gallery). Col William Light served in the British Military, as did Des.

Source: http://adb.anu.edu.au/biography/light-william-2359