Bursty (Wintersgill); George (Bate);Tiffy (Darby); Nobby (Nobblett); ‘Lile’ Gus (Wilson); Nobby (Clarkson) of D. Sub., Changi,Malaya (March 1942)

‘E.W. (Bursty) Wintergill (driver) 953953, 464  from Warmfield, UK & was dad’s gun crew’s driver. He died in transit to Japan when the trasport ship ‘Rakuyo Maru’ was sunk 12/9/1944.’

GH. (George) Bate (gunner) 1089095, 464, from Wolverhampton, UK. He died on the Thai Burma Railway in captivity from Malaria & dysentery 17/7/1943, buried at Chungkai.’

W. (Nobby) Noblett (gunner) 898749, 464 was from Preston, UK. He died on the Thai Burma Railway in captivity and was buried at Chungkai.’

H. (Lile Gus) Wilson (gunner / signaller) 905586, 464 from Preston, UK. He died in transit to Japan when the trasport ship ‘Rakuyo Maru’ was sunk 12/9/1944.

Source: Lancashire Gunners at War – The 88th Field Regiment, 1939 – 1945 by Stephen Bull, Pgs 144 -148