Keenan’s Skin, Rugs, Furs & Doovers: ‘Limey Joe’ an American Term

Joe Keenan

Keenan’s Skin, Rugs, Furs & Doovers: ‘Limey Joe’ An American Term

Acting Lance Sergeant Joe Keenan, Royal Engineers Brigade posted from 30 Fortress) Company 19, was a POW in Singapore’s Changi Jail for a short period, being sent as slave labour on 26/10/42 to Thai – Burma Death Railway.

His family discovered a number of caricatures painted by Des, some of these American POW’s. 

The use of “Limey” as slang for the British was used by Americans. “Limey Joe’s” could be depicting an American Outpost selling skins, rugs & furs by ‘Limey Joe’ to humour American POW’s. Who knows the real meaning of this detailed cartoon by Des, any further comments are most welcomed.

Images published with the kind permission of Joe Keenan’s family.